These are my thoughts. They are for me. For the me now, and the me to be.
I don't always make sense, and I like living that way.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's less than two weeks away!

So here's my take on Valentine's Day.
Although my mom is more often than not the only person who gets me anything, I love the day. I love love! It's a gift I think I have, because even after I've endured a few heartbreaks, I still look forward to the day.
That said, I have a few bones to pick with the tradition.

1. Stop filling stores I often go to - like Hobby Lobby and Dollar Tree, with seas of red and pink swirls raging underneath piles of chocolate roses, stuffed bears and all tacky heart shit- with Valentine's Day things until AT LEAST Feb. 1st. Nobody should need to be reminded of Valentine's Day early. Not even men. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE love. I'm a bittersweet romantic little 20 (almost 21) year old.  I just don't see the point in dragging it on so long! Even I get annoyed by the end of the romance season, and that's a difficult task to complete. 

2. Is there any chance I could sit down with Hallmark to refresh the assortment of Valentine's Day cards, just a little? I understand that some people are SO in love that their cards just need to be extremely flamboyant and spilling with heart confetti. I understand the cards that are just plain, and simple, the ones that just simple say "I love you.". What I don't understand is why Hallmark hasn't banked on the concept of "I (almost) love you, " or "I love you (but not really)" cards. I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of twenty-something year old girls would go ape shit over cards like that. The ones that go about it in a nicer way than " I like you very much and want to appreciate you as being my valentine, but I'm not ready to say those very intimidating three words". All's I'ms Sayins is that I think there should be more of a variety of phrases between "I like you" and "I love you", especially around this time of year.

3. My final argument: Keep it simple. Please. Don't go out and buy your loves chocolates, roses, stuffed bunnies and a card. It's too much. It's overwhelming! Show your love in other ways, everyday and keep the Valentine's Day stuff simple. That's what we, as women, want.

Monday, December 31, 2012


It all comes down to the benjamins.
I'll know I'm accomplished when;
I can remodel my kitchen IKEA style
I can shop without looking at pricetags
I can buy anything for full price without feeling guilty
I can give actual gifts that I didn't just make with things I had at home
I can ask for refills at the bar