Monday, January 10, 2011


1)Excited for Vegas!
2)Prioritizing my next semester.
3)Working on liking myself.
4)Trying to become more intelligent.
5)Fascinated by dreams.
6)Want to apply for the paint-mixer job at Home Depot.
7)Glad I saw Corra this weekend. That sleepover was long overdue.
9)Miss my college girls!
10)Want to learn how to make soup. Good soup.
11)Re-teach myself how to play guitar.
12)Want to meet more people in Grand Junction.
13)Want to fall in love. Bad.
14)Like journaling and blogging.
15)Enjoying my best-friendships. They're not perfect, but they make me happy.
17)Have a new fascination in wedding shows (I love David Tutera).
18)Want to collect things for a home when I have to pay rent and stuff.
19)Should be cleaning my car. And my room.
20)Haven't showered yet today...
21)Want to re-acquire my creativity.
22)Have very very cold toes.
23)Like going makeup-less better than I like taking time to fake my face.
24)Have exactly $0.57 in my checking account.
25)I'm a little heartbroken, but I have convinced myself that it won't last long.

26)Have fallen a few days behind on Project 365. Doesn't mean I'll be calling it anything different.
27)Have a strong desire for a fancy locket.
28)I am in the middle of three books.
29)Have sharpie on my face from the x's on my hands.
Self: Wash those off before you fall asleep next time.
30)Like my haircolor. Rare occurance.
31)Want more freckles! Everywhere!
32)Want a new puppy. No offense to my two wonderful canines.
33)Working on being more spontaneous.
34)Love Jenna's mix cd's. So much that I have tried to steal them from her.
35)Am planning on stealing Jenna's mixes with success.
36)Have realized just how clumsy I am. I spill and drop things often, and I have many unexplained bruises.
37)Have very chapped lips. This always happens when I stress.
38)Have very little gas in my car.
40)Am becoming very interested in religion. Not one for myself, but the beliefs others have.
41)Am so excited for my birthday in spring!
42)Forgot where I last put my car keys.
43)Haven't listened to Kings of Leon in a while.. it's odd.
44)Am very disheartened by people who call themselves "photographers", when really, all they do is photoshop a horrible photograph.
45)Love ice cream before bed.
46)Can't wait to get my first tattoo!
47)Am contemplating things to randomly send people when I go back to school. Yee!
48)Love Vampire Weekend.
49)Think that I am on the right path.
50)Am finished with this list.

Pictures from 8th grade make me laugh

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