These are my thoughts. They are for me. For the me now, and the me to be.
I don't always make sense, and I like living that way.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011, it's so nice to meet you.

First, some pictures from last night/early this morning:
I take pictures of everything.
Take 1-too much boob. Me and Jenna.
Take 2-Happy New Year!
Miss Kristen wearing my lipstick

I have no recollection of this picture, but it made me laugh.
 This morning I worked a breakfast shift at 8:00, still a little drunk from last night. 
I succesfully messed up a few tasks I typically perform with ease, such as:
  • Spilling a glass of orange juice, right on Marilyn's freshly ironed linen pants (she was less than pleased with me, I made sure to give her perfect toast with her over-easies).
  • Dropping the one-use butters everywhere in the kitchen, when I was attempting to put them back in the fridge.
  • Finishing my shift with food all over my white button-down and my apron. Apparently, today was just laundry day. 
Self: Don't work drunk. You can't manage it. 
On a similar note, I should never work hungover either. Or I suppose that maybe I just shouldn't drink as much if I know I have work early the next morning.
I realized that there is only one thing that currently annoys me more than older children (I'm sure this will be written about on a later date), and that's working hungover. 

The lighter side of my day was spent replaying last night in my head, with Jenna. This best friend rarely drinks, and it's even more rare for her to get drunk.
Last night was rare.
I remember most of the night, the end of it is just a little murky.  I don't remember trying to puke (which I actually didn't end up doing, btw) in the basement toilet, but I do remember it overflowing. I don't remember stirring the toilet's contents (uhh, eww?) with a plunger, but I do remember staring blatantly into the overflowing porcelain and not knowing what to do. Thank god for Jenna, and for big stacks of towels (which I didn't  like picking up and washing this morning) to soak up my tragic drunk mess.

On an abrupt end-note, I hope all that are reading this entry have a wonderful year ahead. As I texted my lovely cousin Taylor this morning;
"May 2011 bring you nothing that stained your soul in 2010, for this is another year you are meant to live and love."
sometimes I wish I were brittish, just for the accent.
(I know, she's french.)

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention Project 365.
    I am starting a photography project today, and my goal is to take at least one picture each day, from now until a year from now, that describes my day and my feelings that day. Let's see how far I get.. I anticipate this project to be something great.
