Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's decided; I'm going to France. As soon as I can finance it, I'm packing my bags and eschewing myself from American culture. I'm not sure for how long I'll be gone... I'm not even sure when  I can finance such a journey, but I am going-that I can be sure of.
I am also contemplating an internship in New York this summer. I would be writing for the professional line of L'oreal haircare products.
Traveling is in my near future. I am so damn excited, I just need to learn how to budget my paychecks week to week.
This second job is harder to find than I thought it would be, but I have a feeling that one will come soon.
Many beautiful things have happened this week, already, and my weekend (so far) sounds so promising.

I just want to run outside, stand on my balcony, and yell from the top of my lungs,

Things I have been doing lately
  • Crafting hair accessories! They're whimsical, girly, classy and adorable. *if you'd like one, let me know.
  • Getting skinny raspberry iced chai, daily! The barista knows me by name and drink of choice.
  • Making wall decorations. My walls up here at school seemed so bland and bare... I want color!
  • Being more open to conversation in class. I'm speaking out, asking questions and bringing up points of discussion.
  • Job searching! The Smoke Shack is the only one that looks promising at the moment.
  • Waking up early and getting myself ready, rather than walking out the door with my teeth brushed and my jams on.
  • Writing in my journal.
  • Reading the school newspaper. I love it.
Have a beautiful night, I know I will.

PS. I've realized how hard I'd fallen. I didn't think that I had become so head over heels, but I can't stop thinking about how things ended, and how much I wished they had just worked out. From the mouth of my beautiful roommate, who is very understanding and very comforting when I talk about it, "You can't help who you like. So don't kick yourself in the teeth for the falling out, because at the same time, you can't help who likes (or doesn't like) you back."

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