Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mirth, Anticipation, Depression

If legitimate invisible ink were manufactured, I would spend the majority of my income on bulk cases of it. 
Hopefully this so-called ink wouldn't be expensive, because really, my income isn't much of an income afterall.
This is only at the butt of my thoughts. The middle and the front are even more intensely annoying. My body shows that I'm falling apart, running dry, brittle and breaking.
Mais, je ne sais pourquoi.
I have everything I wanted to have by this point, I have more than that.
Maybe it's all in my head, I have what I want and need, so I need to make up this potent mess to have some reason to pity myself.
I'm letting the dark take over my body, my soul, and my conscience.
Don't let it win.
Don't let it win
Don't let it win

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