Friday, January 14, 2011


It's funny, the things you puck up on when you spend 24+ hours with a person or a group of people. For instance, I never noticed before that at least a third of the questions Jake asks are redundant. In turn, I also realized that I take a liking in pointing these out and replying with a smartass sarcastic answer. I've picked up on how heavy a sleeper Jenna is. I can successfully sit here and type this without her even breaking her heavy breathing pattern. In turn, I realize that I'm the near future I will be pranking her mid-slumber. I've picked up on how young (in all but one sense of the word, that being number age) my mom is. She is so young and alive and fun. In turn, I've realized that I may in fact have genetics on my side to feeling young at her age (which, honestly, really isn't even old) and feeling alive just like her.
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