These are my thoughts. They are for me. For the me now, and the me to be.
I don't always make sense, and I like living that way.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Yesterday was such a great day!
I was with Kala and Kailynn most of the day, and we had some really good conversations about life and love.
I made the decision to get bangs, I want them to look like Kate Nash's.
Bangs, bangs, bangs I WANT BANGS
Katie, Kala, Kailynn and I went walking around downtown GJ, and found some neat stores. Made a decision that we want to be "regulars" at Roasted, the cute little coffee shop with the cute little man that works there.
Kala and I are convinced that there is a ghost in our midst, and it is doing some weird things lately.
This week, we've found salt in the fridge, posters laying on the floor, and for some reason odd smells.
It's possibly Biggie Smalls.
I thought my walls were lifeless and blank, so I cut out paper hearts and colored them, and all the girls did the same. I'm a big supporter of mis-matched paper hearts adorned on my wall. :)
I've been much happier this week than last, and I'm still very excited for this semester in my freshman year.
Time for dinner! Can't wait to see what crappy the food the caf has prepared for me tonight, haha.
Love love love, kiss kiss kiss

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