Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bon Week-end

Oh, how lovely this weekend has been to me. My trip was short, however exciting and full of laughter.  Within the first five minutes of seeing my mom I got bangs-thick and fringed, across my forehead, they're beautiful and they make me feel European (oh I wish...). Good decision on my behalf.
On Friday night I baked birthday cakes with Jenna, first for Corra and Kristen. They turned out better than (I think) either of us had originally anticipated. 

*As a side-note, I think that baking/decorating cakes could potentially be my on-the-side profession. I love crafting cakes into works of art, the only things I want to improve are minor, like making the cake taste as amazing as it looks and making all cake decorations edible. 

I fell asleep on the couch around three in the morning or so, and woke up around nine-ish on Saturday to breakfast from my dad. I really really miss breakfast from Burns himself.
Saturday morning I showered, styled my new 'do, and started on Becky's cake. The first attempt at her lemon cake fell to my feet when I pulled it out of the fridge to frost it.. thank god I had enough time to make another. 
Sarah came over and we gossiped about her life and the love troubles she's been having, I really hope things look up for her.  As always, we ate ramen and said our goodbyes and then I watched her beautiful dark hair disappear into the snow that Colorado decided to dump on us. 
I finished Beck's cake, packed a change of clothes and waited to be picked up for the surprise party, my whole reasoning for being home this weekend.
We sipped on drinks, laughed, danced and hugged our ways into the old-time feeling of being together.  It's safe to say that the party was very much successful. Happy Birthday to Kristen, Corra and Becky. I love you all.

This morning, Jen and I packed up our bags and left for school, and surprisingly the roads weren't too bad.  Due to her new battery (we're guessing), her stereo decided to shut off so we listened to Pandora on the way home. I've become extremely fond of Starfuckers' pandora channel, but I really don't like saying that to people.  I'm respecting my image much more these days, and with that comes a respect for my body. I mean, I want to be able to respect my body. Diet starts this week, and I will be a changed woman by summer.

I have procrastinated my report due tomorrow morning for a few reasons, A) I was in a car all day and B) I don't know how to write what I feel about it and C)I would like to let my mind sleep on the report, and hopefully it will come to me in the morning.
I need to stop doing this, if I want to do better this semester.  This is the last time, I swear.

And with that, dear friends, I must conclude this post with a song I've been singing in my head all weekend. Have a great day or night, or both, I hope that you made your weekend worth it as I have.

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