These are my thoughts. They are for me. For the me now, and the me to be.
I don't always make sense, and I like living that way.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Thoggy Foughts

And all I can hear in my head is
Why do we say first instead of onest? Are fears hereditary? Why does that dimple never move?
Carry the one, the red five can go under the black six if you move it back later, how late will it be open?
I can only spend fifteen dollars this week.
You should drink another glass of water, then see if you're still hungry. If you think she's so stupid why do you still talk to her?
That's a good green, but not for a wall.  Je suis malade. Tu es ennoyeux.  C'est mon lit gris.
A good photoshopper is not necessarily a photographer. I want to go sleep.
New text. Missed call. Phone's dying.
Take your pill. That'd be a cool picture.  Why are you staring at me? How much longer til the custodian's gone?
Jake did that once. I should check the laundry schedule. That's an impulse buy, put it down.
Who sings this? Corra would like that. You don't look old enough to drive.
That's so cute, I wonder if they've done it yet.  I wish I had red hair.
New voicemail. Write that paper. I haven't read in a while. Get today's paper. Leave now.
It looks like a bunch of birds attacked each other here. Wake up, Wake up, Wake up.
I don't want to go, so what can I say instead?
Where did that bruise come from?
You're drunk. You are really drunk. You did not just puke on my foot.
I want my mom. I never heard back from her, I wonder if she got the message.
I didn't really send it, but he believes I did.
$200 a month's not bad. Are you serious? Stop talking in that accent, you sound stupid.
It's so damn cold in here. I need lotion. That bread smells amazing.
I want chai from the cute boy at Roasted. I don't feel like moving my car, maybe Becca can drive.
Does Jenna have class tonight? I wonder if that's a good movie. I should get some new jeans.
Why won't she text me back? I should go to the gym tomorrow.
I'm in a wedding? I could just ask if he knows when it's due. Stop lying.
Feed Kala's fish. Nobody's here, sing louder. I can't believe I feel for that.
Why are my ears ringing so much lately?
I like my glasses.
I've heard this before.
I'm just going to love everything, whether I get loved back or not.
Mom's always right.
Do you just like to hear yourself talk?
I don't wanna wake her up. Tomorrow. I should ask her if she'd want something.
I can't stay here. Move. Please say yes!
Where did I put my debit card?
It's spelled wrong. That's what I used to have. I love his work.
New favorite movie. He said what to you? Religious or not, you can't argue that.
If I leave it there, I'll feel guilty tomorrow so I'll just go back and pick it up. I'm sorry I didn't mean to.
I love my dad. Our Christmas tree is huge! I hope I get that job.
Pork Pork Pork.
Is that my old handwriting? I hope I studied enough. I need to start soon. I can look it up for you.
I wouldn't even recognize me, I don't see why he would.
I haven't seen Tisch in months. Is that her voice or is it a cover? I want chocolate.

I think so much and say so little.

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