Thursday, March 3, 2011

Faux Felicity

I have been served a hefty helping of real life lately.  In my starvation for achieving greatness, I've somehow lost my appetite.
It seems that everytime I overcome the overwhelming feeling of defeat, life defeats me. Again.
Like a game of cat and mouse, I just barely set free my long limber tail from those evil claws, only to be caught again with the cat's next hard heavy step. 
It's hard to keep the faith when faith rejects you.
I'm burning out. I don't remember the last time I felt so un-invincible, or so vulnerable to life and it's deathly shadows hiding in the corners that I once loved to face.
I've been slowly spiraling downward for some time now, and I want to believe I've hit the bottom but I feel that thinking so is naive. 

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