These are my thoughts. They are for me. For the me now, and the me to be.
I don't always make sense, and I like living that way.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It is I, it is you

It is you, who saw those tears
It is I who no longer carries them

It was I, who hid and discouraged my heart
It was I, I who told myself "No."
It was I, who mentalized myself
It was I, who wrecked my motivation

It is I, who got Me back
It is I, who banished the coward in you

and brought you to life

Who opened your eyes to the beauty

that you posess within the deep depths of your heart

Who told you that you were right

and to trust yourself and what you believe in

It was you, I should be thankful for.
It is I that was you.
It is you, that I will never again be.

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