Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's an Early Saturday Morning

This trip home has already exceeded the last.

Becca, Jenna, Kayla and I packed into Becca's little silver jeep with all our stuff and hurried home. Blasting music and singing out of key. We created words like "flursh" instead of "flush" and toyed with anyone who fell asleep.  Those four hours home were everything that a roadtrip that hoursome should include.
It warmed my heart to walk up the big cement steps to my front door. My dad greeted me with his usual goofy smile and big open arms.  I've missed him so much.
I've realized how alike my dad and I actually are. The miles that separate me from my family have done me wonders, in realization of self-identity.  He is stubborn. He is such a list-maker.He always wants to help. And sometimes if he doesn't exactly know what he's doing, he gets frustrated and caught up in his own negative thoughts when the answers are right in front of him.  My dad is such a warm, caring person. I don't mean for this to come off as creepy, but I only wish to be as lucky in my mom in the sense that they still love each other as much as they did when they met.  
 After talking with my dad for a little bit, we decided to meet my mom, my brother and his friends for some dinner.  It wasn't the best food, and it was so loud that conversation was difficult, but it was great to see my mom and my brother. And actually, it was good to see some new friends of Jake's. 
It's hard for me to not see my brother on a regular basis. We fight like cats and dogs, but when we go a long time without each other's company, we really show our love.  It's hard emotionally for me to not protect him from all the bad things that I feel may be tempting him in high school, but I guess that's just a part of growing up and separating from him.  I can't fight away all the jerks who call him names, or stink-eye the little trollops that flirt with him. It's not an easy thing to come to terms with, but I'm trying here.
After dinner, my dad dropped me off (oh how cool, right?) at the D-note for a concert where some of my friends were playing. If you get the chance, look up Strings Like The Sun. They're great. They've improved a lot since I saw them this summer. Good guys and good music on a Friday night, what else could a girl ask for?
I saw so many good people in this little place.First, I unexpectedly ran into one of my best friends. Kristen is a blonde haired, green eyed, high pitched, beautiful person.  She snuck me drinks with her fake I.D. and we got to dancing.  I always love spending time with Kristen, because there's just too much excitement in her bones for it not to carry over into my body. It was great to see Cmay, Max and Evan, although I didn't talk to any of them very much. Their audience has grown so much, it makes me happy. Finally, some good music gets the audience it deserves. I also saw Ryan there. My tipsy body tried to get him to dance, or at least sway back and forth... but my efforts failed. It's going to take baby steps to get him out of his shell, but I'm willing to practice my patience.
After SLTS played, a cover band that goes by Bop Skizzum was up. And man, were they up. Their energy went through the roof, into the midnight sky and back in through the front door.  They covered some newer songs, and some older ones, and it was impossible not to dance for them.  They looked and sounded so prodigious.  It was just such a great night for music and dancing and sipping long island iced tea (thank you, Kristen).
It seemed that as soon as my second drink bared no more alcohol that we were out the door and on the way to Ryan's hockey game.  I'm not sure if he invited us, or if I insisted that we go, but either way Jenna and I went. 
We discovered how great Adele's new single sounds in Jenna's mom's car. And we discovered how loud we can sing it off key. It felt so FREEING. Hah, and it also took my voice away from me, I have a sore throat this morning. But whatever, it was worth it.
Ryan played with old men, and looked like a star. A small, skinny star, but a star nonetheless.  He stuck out like a sore thumb in a good way. By the way, A)How does one get sore thumb? and B)How badly does that stick out, anyway?
The 3 twenty-minute periods seemed to go by pretty fast, and we met up with Ryan after the game for a quick word. For such a warm day in Denver, it was a terribly cold night. We decided to go to Jen's for some food.
Ryan followed our car and Emi came over only minutes after we walked in. We spent the next twoish hours talking about nonesense, eating large bowls of spaghetti and drawing immature pictures in women's magazines.  It was great. I felt bad for Ryan though, he didn't speak much. Either he didn't know how to handle our conversations, or he couldn't get a word in, either way I think he was entertained by our comedics.
He offered to take me home, and we followed Emi on the way.  He drove me the few miles across town in his little red space car, and I felt like we had the best conversation of the night.  He played the mario-kart soundtrack, and we talked about his brother and music. He's such a good kid, I wish not to corrupt him too much.
He dropped me off at my house, I walked up my steps, unlocked me door and fell asleep on my favorite couch. It was such a great night, filled with so much fun and people and dancing and music. I feel so young again.

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