Tuesday, April 12, 2011

For the few people reading this

I am sorry I haven't been very up to date with my blog lately, school has been keeping me busy! Here's what has happened in my life lately.
I've developed somewhat of a cold over the weekend, and I have been incredibly drowsy, unmotivated and cranky.  Although under-the-weather, I went out and bought three new books this weekend, all of which I anticipate reading at least before summer is over.
I got a new car! Unfortunately, someone decided they needed my jeep more than I needed it and took it upon them to take the hunk of junk for themselves. I hope it broke down on them, that crap jeep.
I now have a cute silver grand am, complete with quirks and a new-car aura- it's perfect.
The blinker sound doesn't really shut off ever, but other than that the car is great! I have yet to name her though.
*as a sidenote, I actually just got a call from the PoPo as I was writing this. They may have found my jeep, burned, in the middle of some deserted area in the valley! I'm almost speechless.
I am really taking advantage of my classes this semester, especially Reporting and Critical Thinking.
Reporting has made me feel so comfortable in my own skin. I've made some new friends, and I've interviewed some reporters and journalists that affirm I'm doing the right thing for myself. I just feel so good about it. I'm signed up for a practicum at the school paper next year, fall semester. Spring semester, I'll be on the staff for The Crite. I am excited beyond all words!
Dino class has really been interesting lately. I got an 80% on my first quiz, and I'm alright with that.
I gave a perfect-score presentation in French last week, and I'm proud of it.
I've been working hard on changing my attitude towards everyone, and I'm doing well.
The semester is nearly over, and my roommate and I are experiencing somewhat of an akward stage. 
It seems like on weekdays, we're fine and dandy, but once the weekend hits we separate. Now, don't get me wrong, we both know we are going in different directions, but it feels so odd to break off a friendship prematurely like we're doing. We talk about hanging out constantly this summer, but I feel like it might not happen. Not because we will fight or anything, but one of us will just blow the other one off or come up with excuses. We just aren't as close as we were last semester, it makes me pretty sad.
We only have about a month of school until we have to move out, I hope we can figure out how to revert back to what we had a few months ago.
I really miss my family lately, more than normal. I'm traveling home for Easter. I'm contemplating bringing some things that I don't need in my dorm anymore, so that moving out in May will be less bulky. I'm hoping to make a stop at Corra's apartment for mini-Easter. I celebrated Easter with her family last year, and it was different, but fun. I think we might make this a new tradition.
Summer is so close, I can almost feel the rays of sun tanning me and I can nearly smell the clorine of the pool in my hair.  Those two and a half months of break are going to be so wonderful! I love where I am now, but I can't wait to be home.
My wardrobe needs some refreshing. I think that tomorrow I'll go through all my clothes and sort out the stuff I don't need and either donate it to the thrift or try to sell it at the consignment store in town in exchange for new clothes.  It just feels so outdated and boring!
Out with the old, in with the new.

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