Monday, May 16, 2011

Family matters

The first time since I've been home, we went out as a family. We haven't even been out an hour and a fight is already at a rolling boil. I'm not even part of it, and I'm tense and fuming internally. My little brother is so selfish, not to mention the most arrogant person I have ever spent time with. And, my parents, who raised me much stricter and with much more discipline and resistance are just letting him get away with so much...they gave up. They parented me. Where the fuck does my brother get this piss-poor attitude? He expects so much out of my parents when they are obviously struggling and gives them very little in return. I love my family but I hate my family. And I partly blame myself for running away to college and not keeping everyone together. I'm the mediator, always have been. Anyone can tell that my family acts different now. It's like they don't even know each other anymore. This is ridiculously frustrating.
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