Sunday, May 8, 2011

How to pack up a year

I've begun the take-down of my belongings in my room, and I feel naked.
I feel naked for my room, because contrary to it's looks, it is a living, breathing animal.
It has harvested lots of clothes (dirty and clean), lost remote controls, loose change, stray hairs, dirt, food remnants, shoes, bags and much else, all without complaint.
This very room has contained so much laughter, been drenched with many tears and protected me from the cruel world when I have nowhere else to go.
One could argue it is like a working mother!
Oh, this room.
I am going to miss 307 so much, but at the same time I'm excited to stretch my life to something bigger, better and even more warm and welcoming.
I can only hope my new room feels the same towards me.

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