Saturday, June 11, 2011

Anonymous Listener

What would be great is to have a room, or a house or apartment, full of people to talk to and listen to your thoughts and problems. Anonymously. No names, no information you didn't want to give. Just a room of talking and listening. Like a counselor, except they don't counsel you, they only hear you out. And you hear them. Don't give your advice or your thoughts, just listen to them. Feel for them. At the end of the talk, you leave. Don't make plans with them, just know that they heard what you had to say because you had to say it. That way, no third parties got involved, you could feel right when needed and you could be mad when you were mad. If I could create this, it would cost no money, and nobody would know each other. Ever. And we could meet whenever, as many times a week as needed. Just having a listener to reserve judgemental input. Then, you can help someone in the easiest way possible and you can also release your feelings without hurting anyone. And the only thing it would cost is some time, however much you spent there is up to you. Sometimes I just need something exactly like this.
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