Sunday, June 26, 2011

Since January

I'm sure I'll miss some things, but here is a brief overview.
Fell in and out of a relationship
Had my car stolen at school (recently notified that it was found!)
Read 6 books
Nannied my cousins
Cried countless times, from sad things that I cannot explain
Watched too much Ghost Whisperer
Subconsciously stopped taking pictures as often as I used to
Gained weight
Started a few diets, none stuck
Written in my journal only a few times
Deleted my facebook
Just got my facebook back..
Visited a few old friends
Bought way more than I can afford
Found new favorite bands
Found new favorite songs
Stayed out too late
Slept in too late
Worked. A lot.
Moved back home for summer
Seen only a few people, but in a good sense
Gone to a few hockey games
Gone to a few softball games
Reconnected with my dad
Done girl things with my mom
Seen Bridesmaids twice
Made a MILLION or so lists
lost about half of my million or so lists
moved into the basement at home
gotten drunk only a couple times
Made some new friends in different states
Lost friends in my own state
Made many changes to how I treat people
Gotten in a few fights with my brother
Realized my brother is bigger than me.
Bleached a section of my hair, because I felt like it
Had strong feelings about a lot of things and one person
Decided I'm going to be more open to people
Given myself multiple anxiety attacks
Taken weekly baths in the basement
Slowly become more patient with children. I'm not mother-material yet though
Switched ringtones
Bought a few new cds
Realized that this list has become far too long. I have done a lot so far this year, not all of it can be listed. The good parts I replay in my head, the bad parts come to me in my sleep. I am an always evolving being, and I love it.

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