These are my thoughts. They are for me. For the me now, and the me to be.
I don't always make sense, and I like living that way.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

...Here I go

It's official, I've reached my breaking point (in a good way). 
The last few months have been the classic Kelsey Story; I fall madlessly head over heels, we kiss a little, I share thoughts, and the guy scrams leaving me helpless and limp over the flames. I slowly burn and die a little inside waiting for him to love me back, texting him randomly, creepily stalking his facebook and rereading old texts trying to convince myself that we would work.
And today I've finally had it. I'm done moping around in my pajamas that I've refused to take off, I'm done not showering for days at a time, I'm through with living on facebook and doing nothing except laying on the couch all day and complaining to myself in my head about what's wrong with me.
I've gone through all my tagged photos on facebook (I sound so young, I love it!), and I've assessed that this body was once a fresh canvas and open for love, then once I gave up it showed. Ugly black clothes all the time, frumpy posture, bleh bleh bleh. Ain't happ'nin no mo.
It's about damn time I had a breakthrough of youth, I needed it baaaaaaad. I'm gonna go shower, shave my legs, wash my hair because god knows I need it, make myself look so damn fierce, and attack the day with the life and passion a 20 year old should have. I've only got a week left at home, and I'll be damned if that means I'm going to sit around like I have the past two weeks and drag my knuckles because of things I can't change. I'm gonna change what I can, and be proud of myself. Pick up my little sob story, snap my fingers and toss it in the garbage.
Hello life, I've fuckin missed you.

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