These are my thoughts. They are for me. For the me now, and the me to be.
I don't always make sense, and I like living that way.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Im sudsin up, jammin to City & Colour, and I have that pain again. It's been happening a lot more frequently and I still have no remedy, or even the slightest idea of what my insides are trying to tell me. I wish that human beings possessed the ability to lay a finger in one another, and reciprocate the exact feeling of the one they're touching. So much would be solved if this were real, if feelings could be tangible in all actuality. There would be no guessing, no questioning, no fallacy. But then, on the other hand, cuddling would be much more rare, hugging would almost be foreign and kissing would be fearful. There is no solution, except for me to draw my bath water hot, steaming and bubbly and to soak in all my thoughts on tangible feelings and my unknown pain will soon dissipate. 

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