Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Biting my tongue and the bullet simultaneously

I try so hard to keep what I have to say in, and believe me it's for the better that I do, because I can't help but to think about you all the time. There's no end to my thoughts of you and the wandering my mind does. Seeing your eyes in my head, right before I fall asleep, every night.
I see things that remind me of you, and I want to talk to you. Our deep talks, where we just look at each other and speak but it isn't awkward or overwhelming, it's instinctual.
I miss you, and I won't stop missing you I don't think. And it frustrates me to no end that not only am I going through this emotion with you, where you're giving up on me as I'm longing for more adventure with you, and it's not only you I've had this feeling with. You're just the most recent one, the freshest meat in my collection of crushes. 
Oh what is a girl to do? I just want someone to be constant in my life. Someone who will accept my love and not give up on me because I'm too invested.. is that too much to ask at this feeble age?

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