These are my thoughts. They are for me. For the me now, and the me to be.
I don't always make sense, and I like living that way.

Friday, February 3, 2012


I'd like to take a quick sec and give a shoutout to me, myself and I.
I've made something of myself this school year; met people, learned, studied, made friends, kissed random boys, refrained from kissing random boys, cried when I needed to, learned to cook, improved my relationship with my brother, stood up for myself, NOT LIED, told my parents about things they need to know and kept them from things that I know would harm them, learned to dress my soul not just my body, changed my mind about the many people I judged off the bet, I have been me, the best me I have ever met and I think I deserve some time to give myself a handshake and a grin for turning myself around. I am really working on the right track even if not everyone is along for my ride.  I expect myself to do great, astonishing things if I just give myself some chances to surprise everyone.

I am praising my beautiful, bouncy, brunette body the way my mom taught me to do.
I guess I take after my mother

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