Friday, February 10, 2012

Rigid < soft

When did I become so rough and jagged?
I have lost a touch of my sensory used in finding everyday objects and their astounding beauty. I wouldn't describe my new attitude as bitter per say, however it is a little more bumpy and dry.
Tomorrow I'm going to be soft. Mold-able minded, light on my toes, with an arch in my eyebrows and a curl on the corners of my mouth. My body will be a visual impersonation of springtime and it's sweet smelling, airy warmth. Tomorrow, I'll wake up and cry a few beheld tears, I am so gracious for what I've been given and all the harm that has been kept far away from my vulnerable soul.  I will curl my hair, give it life! Give my face it's own time to shine and step away from my makeup box, brush my beautiful teeth and make myself a breakfast to start my day off lovingly.  Chances are I will listen to Bon Iver on repeat, dress with something sprightly and make a phone call to my Mom and Grammy to tell them I love them the most.  I will aim to make at least one new friend, and help at least two strangers.  Tomorrow will be brilliant, so long as I wake up fresh and rested and beautiful like I feel right now.

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