Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Take off your jammie pants and wear real jeans

I thiiink, that possibly, subconsciously, I've been slowly giving up on myself. 
I stopped going to the gym, and given myself the excuse of me being too busy.
-Hey, self, if you were too busy, you wouldn't be able to take that half hour nap everyday..
I stopped dressing my body to match my soul, with the excuse of all my clothes being dirty.
-Hey, self, those clothes weren't dirty, you just stopped putting them in your drawers. Clean your damn room.
I stopped cleaning my room, without excuse
-Hey, self, clean you damn roooooom.
I stopped eating right. Watching my carbs and sugars, with the excuse of good food being expensive.
-Hey, self, quit buying junk you don't need and save money for things you do need.

I'm pushin myself down! Time to clean my act up.

Thanks for the pep-talk, self.

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