Monday, May 28, 2012


I want to:
-Write more. Explore the little corners of my brain, those corners I've brushed under the rug. There's so much going on my brain that I'm just neglecting, and all my thoughts are itching to see the sun!

-Work less. I'm 20, and I don't technically have to work two jobs. I'm going to get rid of one, focus on school and being young. Making decisions that I'll be excited to tell people about don't usually start with "This one time, at work...".

-Get better at things I picked up and stopped practicing. Like guitar and ASL and French. It's interesting how fond I am of languages..

-Spend more time away from my phone. So that I can spend more time living life.

- Start using my college education towards real life application. I always tell myself I will make a video, or investigate or advertise... and it's a tentative plan that fails before it flourishes.

-Use my art. Maybe sell things on Etsy? I'm a pretty scrappy lil thing, and I could sell a bald man shampoo if I so chose, but I haven't been applying myself.

I keep telling myself to quit quitting, and so far I'm half-assing it.


  1. What are those pictures of?? Did you take them or just random ones from internet? -Neil

  2. Randoms from the interweb, but I have a few kinda like the second one of my own
