Monday, May 7, 2012

Not much time to blog

Here's the important stuff

I am staying on campus for summer, majority of my friends including the best ones are going  back to their homes for the warm months.. and it's all becoming real, and I'm scared shitless to be "alone" again.
However, I am always excited for new people and changes and all of the beautiful things summer has to offer. I can only hope that Grand Junction serves me a good slice of summer pie, I'm in need of it.

Grades are AMAZING. not straight a's, but better than my grades have been in, well, years.  I'm fascinated with advertising/marketing.. and I could see myself potentially taking it somewhere, but I still procrastinate my creativity a little, and it bugs me that I do it but I haven't put an end to the slacking yet. That time will come soon, maybe...
(awesome site, I'd like to become involved with something like this someday)

PCOS is kind of plateauing. I'm off of one medication (metformin), however I have definitely gained some of the weight that I lost last summer, back.  I am taking a turn in my eating habits/exercise routines though, biking to work.. and now I can actually afford to eat in a healthy, not so many carbs and sugars fashion.

Work these last few weeks paired with school have been stressful, tiring and difficult, but they kept me busy enough to not focus on all the other things that have been going wrong.  I've been pulling around fulltime at work with classes in the past two weeks, and I have been involved in a lot of work drama as well... time to cut that out though.  I need to step up and take my title a little more to heart.  I may need to take another job for summer though, to make more money.. it couldn't hurt.
I'm worried I won't see my family enough this summer.. I already feel guilty about it.  I MISS MY FAMILY.

If I could have my school be just a tad closer to my home roots, things would be perfect in my life right now (not really, but I digress), but that's not the case and I'm trying to make better effort keeping in touch with my home loves. Jenna, Jakie, Mom, Dad.  They're the ones who I miss on a daily basis. 

I have a Canadian boyfriend right now. Neil Jordan Fine is more aged than any boy I've ever had interest in, he just turned 28 on the 1st actually.  I have no shame in saying that I have never met him personally (although two of my extremely close friends have, and they tell me amazing things), I really do get along well with him.  I've tried to talk myself out of having this relationship, for all the reasons imaginable, but I'm exhausted with it.  I am young, naive, and I love talking to Neil. He loves my freckles, strangely I love his muscles (not big on muscles, really.. but his are beautiful), and his smile.  We talk regularly and I am trying to find a way to finance a visit.. even though with my funds right now it seems impossible.  I am going to see him, soon, and I'm not going to want to leave him. I am only scared that he will feel the same way.. I have a hunch he has stronger feelings for me at the moment, but a girl can only sense so much!
we call eachother via google for free, pretty often.

I have been hosting a radio show at the school with a friend, playing mainly indie/alternative music, and it's a blast. I requested my own slot for summer so I can learn the ropes of everything (Fall semester 2012 I am doing a practicum, sort of like an internship, with KMSA to get more familiar with my studies on media.. I am ECSTATIC about it all). I think about music constantly. Almost as much as I think about Neil ;)

I'm happy, most days.  I laugh very regularly, I look at my naked body pretty often (that's very new to me), and I mostly like my short hair.  I have a few things I want to change this summer, and I plan on actually doing them.

I've said that I might end up coming home in the middle of summer, due to separation anxiety and just plain being homesick, but I'm going to try not quitting anything anymore.  I've quit a lot in my 20 years, and I think that it's time to banish that habit. 
I'm going to quit quitting.

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