Monday, May 21, 2012

What You Do To Me, Summer

last day "by myself"

Summer is going to be ludicrous
I'm going to figure out how to control myself, mentally, emotionally, physically, soulfully

I feel my being has been going around for 20 rotations, crazy, hungry and driven on fumes. I have a gut feeling that I'm going to uncover a lot of good Kelsey things here soon.
Mentally, I'm intrigued by everything at the moment. Investigative behavior is becoming natural.
Where did this come from? How did they make this? Who thought of it? How much did it cost? Where did that money come from? What draws my eye to this? Who is this targeted at? How can I make it? Who would love this? How could I use this?


I'm loving my inquisitive mind, it's much more fun and I have discovered new friends, new insight. 
Passion, creativity, control and wisdom.
This lil girl's growin up.
Get ready.

Mark this as a testament of the origin of my adulthood. It's time to be 20, in control of myself, with
peace of mind but curious flirtation with the world.

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