Sunday, August 12, 2012


Okay ill tell you know. A)im toasted as a waffle and drunk as a sailor.. just some foreshadowing. So, i was at my neighbor's house (new friend, cool friend) and i went over to play beer pong, right? And they play with this set of Polish rules, one of which being that if you make the "bitch cup" (center cup) before you make any other cup, you drop your trousers for the game. Fun rules! Everyone gets a little awkward and embarrassed for a sec but it makes the night that much more comfortable, ironically. Anything after dropping trow is less awkward. So i hadn't known the rules because apparently the bitch cup wasnt made until two cups of the last game before my turn.. i stare across the room, at some frat boys' skinny bird legs and too-revealing boxer-briefs, terrified that the next ten minutes wasnt enough time to escape. I look at my purse, come up with an excuse that I want to "run it home because i bet ill forget it later", afterall i am with the Women's Lacrisse team and jock boy friends, to whom purses are never necessity for party attire such as my taste this evening. If you hadn't picked up on it by now, I'm not wearing underwear tonight. Im the stupid bimbo who somehow worked her way into strip-pong around "cool kids" on the ONE NIGHT I go commando. It wasn't an act of promiscuity, just simply that I was too damn lazy to put on panties after my shower today. I ran home, four houses away, still a little drunk and still a little terrified, and ran to my clothes boxes (I was still in the midst of unpacking since my move into my house) and heard a knock at the door. In hand were my lace-trimmed, rose printed booty shorts, which i slipped over one foot and almost toppled over when I switched legs, sucked in my stomach and yanked up my cut off jean shorts and zipped them in less time than it's ever taken me to take them off before a wild night, and stomped drunkily to my front door with my best guy friend (strictly, JUST guy friend) already letting himself in looking for my drunk ass as I sighed in relief and left for the party where foe the first time, not one of the games of pong did I ever make "the bitch cup".

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