These are my thoughts. They are for me. For the me now, and the me to be.
I don't always make sense, and I like living that way.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


There's this fire lately, 
flames licking the end of my soul
aiding my distance, 

I stare into the depths of this beast, I see what it wants and I refuse to give in fully
but a part of me still melts, and I turn back on the strength I've been working so hard to build 

we dance, the fire and I, to a passionate tango
back and forth for days, almost letting go of my hands mid-spin
glaring down on me, waiting for my back to break as I fall
and somehow, at the last possible second, I catch myself

I compose myself, get back on my feet, and reach out for more
This is where I am comfortable, this tango of hell
it's not where I'm happy or healthy, but it's familiar
too familiar

I try to dance away, a solo rendition
but it's never as satisfying as the warm touch of that fire

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